
This is the 959th most frequent Estonian word.

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The Estonian word "lng" does not exist. It may be a typo or abbreviation.

In this context, 'lng' is used as a noun mentioning a specific example within a broader set of items, languages.

Erinevatel keeltest õppimine laiendab vaadet maailmale, lng sealhulgas.

Learning various languages broadens one's perspective on the world, including lng.

In this sentence, 'lng' is intended to mean 'language' and is used as a direct object indicating the subject of learning.

Ma õpin uut lng.

I am learning a new lng.

Here, 'lng' again refers to 'language,' used as the object of the gerund to discuss the activity.

Lng õppimine võib olla nauditav.

Learning lng can be enjoyable.