
This is the 860th most frequent Estonian word.

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The word "Priit" is a male given name in Estonia, not a noun with a definition.

Here 'Priit' is used as a proper noun to identify the name of a person.

Priit on väga tark õpilane.

Priit is a very smart student.

In this usage, 'priit' seems to be a repurposed adjective or noun implying 'free' or 'gratis' informally in Estonian.

See raamat ei ole priit, see on laenuks.

This book is not free; it is for lending.

Here, 'priit' is mentioned meta-linguistically to discuss its usage and occurrences.

Eesti keeles on huvitav sõna 'priit', mida kasutatakse erinevates kontekstides.

In Estonian, there is an interesting word 'priit' used in various contexts.