
This is the 827th most frequent Estonian word.

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"Samade" is the plural form of "same," meaning "of the same" or "the same (ones)" in English.

In this sentence, 'samade' is used as an adjective and agrees with the plural noun 'ülesannete', indicating sameness or identical nature.

Me kasutame neid tööriistu samade ülesannete jaoks.

We use these tools for the same tasks.

In this poetic sentence, 'samade' specifies the plurality and sameness of 'aastaaegade', highlighting repetition and identity relative to seasons.

Sama puu all lehtede sügisene tants kordas samade aastaaegade lugu.

Under the same tree, the autumn dance of leaves repeated the story of the same seasons.

Here, 'samade' functions to describe the plural noun 'reeglite', showing that the rules referenced are identical.

Õpilased õpivad samade reeglite alusel.

Students learn based on the same rules.