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"Ilmoittanut" means "announced" or "reported" in English.

Here, 'ilmoittanut' is the past participle of the verb 'ilmoittaa', used in the perfect tense to describe an action that has been completed.

Hän on ilmoittanut osallistuvansa tapahtumaan.

She has announced her participation in the event.

In this sentence, 'ilmoittanut' conveys the act of reporting or notifying in a personal context related to a specific issue.

Olen jo ilmoittanut ongelmasta asiakaspalveluun.

I have already reported the issue to customer service.

Here, 'ilmoittaneet' (the plural form of 'ilmoittanut') is used within a relative clause to refer to people who have performed the action of notifying or expressing interest.

Kaikki, jotka ovat ilmoittaneet kiinnostuksensa, saavat lisätietoja sähköpostitse.

Everyone who has expressed their interest will receive more information via email.