
This is the 155th most frequent Finnish word.

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"Starting from" or "since."

The word 'lähtien' indicates the starting point in time from which the action has continued.

Olen asunut täällä vuodesta 2015 lähtien.

I have lived here since the year 2015.

The word 'lähtien' refers to a specific event in time, emphasizing continuation from that point.

Kokouksessa sain uusia ideoita, joista olen ollut innoissani siitä lähtien.

In the meeting, I got new ideas, and I have been excited about them since then.

The word 'lähtien' is used to highlight the commencement of an action or state at a particular reference time.

Hän on opiskellut suomea ahkerasti kesälomasta lähtien.

She has studied Finnish diligently since the summer vacation.