This is the 1434th most frequent French word.
It seems "rafah" is not a standard French word; it may refer to a name or location. Can you clarify?
Rafah in this sentence is a proper noun, specifically the name of a city. Proper nouns are used to denote specific names of places, people, or things.
Elle a mentionné sa ville natale, Rafah, lors de son discours.
She mentioned her hometown, Rafah, during her speech.
In this context, Rafah again is a proper noun referring to a geographic location. Here, it serves as the subject of the sentence emphasizing location.
À Rafah, les habitants célèbrent souvent la Journée de l'Indépendance avec enthousiasme.
In Rafah, the residents often enthusiastically celebrate Independence Day.
Rafah in this instance is used as an influential context for artistic creation. Proper nouns are often used to root a narrative or a description in a specific place.