
This is the 522nd most frequent German word.

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"Dr." in German is an abbreviation for "Doktor," meaning "Doctor" in English.

Here, 'Dr.' is used as an abbreviation for the academic title 'Doctor', typically placed before a person's last name as a sign of respect.

Dr. Müller ist mein Lehrer.

Dr. Müller is my teacher.

In this context, 'Dr.' is part of the street name, indicating the street may be named after a person with the academic title 'Doctor'.

Ich wohne in der Dr.-Schuhmann-Straße.

I live on Dr.-Schuhmann-Street.

Here, 'dr.' is used as a common contraction for 'dort', meaning 'there'. This usage may occur in dialects or casual speech, though it's not standard written language.

Kannst du den Text in der Zeitschrift dr. mal anschauen?

Can you take a look at the text in the magazine there?