
This is the 589th most frequent German word.

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"Erzielte" means "achieved" or "obtained" in English.

In this case, 'erzielte' refers to achieving a specific result or goal, specifically scoring in a game setting.

Er erzielte ein Tor im letzten Fußballspiel.

He scored a goal in the last soccer game.

Here, 'erzielte' describes attaining a desired outcome, in this instance, financial profit.

Das Unternehmen erzielte einen großen Gewinn im letzten Quartal.

The company achieved a significant profit in the last quarter.

In this context, 'erzielte' means to obtain or achieve a certain standard or result, represented by good grades.

Sie erzielte gute Noten in ihren Prüfungen.

She obtained good grades in her exams.