This is the 1092nd most frequent German word.
"Lowered" or "reduced."
The word 'gesenkt' is used as the past participle of 'senken,' indicating that the action of lowering has occurred and impacts the noun 'Preise' (prices).
Die Preise wurden für das Sonderangebot gesenkt.
The prices were lowered for the special offer.
Here, 'gesenkt' is used to describe a deliberate physical action taken by 'Er' (he) on 'seinen Kopf' (his head), employing it metaphorically to indicate introspection.
Er hat seinen Kopf gesenkt, um nachzudenken.
He lowered his head to think.
In this sentence, 'gesenkt' indicates an intentional reduction in the level or degree ('Niveau der Anforderungen'), often describing a strategic change.