
This is the 1570th most frequent German word.

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"Großen" means "big" or "great" in English, typically in the plural or dative case.

The word 'großen' in this sentence is the masculine accusative singular form of 'groß' as the adjective describing 'Hund'.

Ich habe einen großen Hund.

I have a big dog.

The word 'großen' is the feminine dative singular form of 'groß,' modifying 'Stadt'.

In einer großen Stadt gibt es vieles zu entdecken.

In a big city, there is much to discover.

The word 'großen' in this sentence is the plural nominative form of 'groß' describing 'Häuser'.

Die großen Häuser sind sehr beeindruckend.

The big houses are very impressive.