
This is the 375th most frequent German word.

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"Karriere" means "career" (professional path or advancement).

Here, 'Karriere' is used to refer to a person's professional trajectory and achievements in their chosen field.

Sie hat eine erfolgreiche Karriere als Ärztin aufgebaut.

She has built a successful career as a doctor.

In this context, 'Karriere' indicates the progression or development of one's professional life.

Seine Karriere erlebte einen Wendepunkt, als er die Firma wechselte.

His career experienced a turning point when he changed firms.

'Karriere' is used metaphorically here to describe advancing professionally, with the 'ladder' symbolizing progress or promotion within one's career.

Die Karriereleiter erklimmen erfordert oft viel Arbeit und Engagement.

Climbing the career ladder often requires a lot of effort and dedication.