
This is the 693rd most frequent German word.

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In this sentence, 'Landwirten' is in the dative case as part of a prepositional phrase indicating from whom something is bought.

Ich habe von den Landwirten auf dem Markt frisches Gemüse gekauft.

I bought fresh vegetables from the farmers at the market.

'Landwirte' serves as the direct object in the accusative case, referring to the group of farmers being supported.

Die Regierung unterstützt die Landwirte mit Subventionen.

The government supports the farmers with subsidies.

Here, 'Landwirte' is used as the plural subject noun in nominative case, referring to people who practice farming.

Die Landwirte ernten jedes Jahr reichlich Getreide.

The farmers harvest abundant grains every year.