
This is the 747th most frequent German word.

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"Again" or "on the other hand," depending on context.

Here, 'wiederum' is used to introduce a contrast or opposing perspective.

Anna wollte ins Kino gehen, aber Peter wiederum wollte zu Hause bleiben.

Anna wanted to go to the cinema, but Peter, on the other hand, wanted to stay home.

'Wiederum' is employed to highlight a distinction in dependency between the subjects.

Das autarke Dorf produziert seine Energie selbst, wohingegen Städte wiederum auf externe Quellen angewiesen sind.

The self-sufficient village produces its energy itself, whereas cities, in contrast, rely on external sources.

In this case, 'wiederum' denotes a chain of related actions or events.

Zeitungen berichteten letzte Woche über den Unfall, und dieser wurde diese Woche wiederum im Fernsehen thematisiert.

Newspapers reported on the accident last week, and this week, it was, in turn, featured on television.