
This is the 768th most frequent Greek word.


The Greek word "ένταση" means "intensity" or "tension."

In this sentence, "ένταση" refers to emotional tension or strain during a debate.

Υπήρξε ένταση στη συζήτηση καθώς διαφωνούσαν έντονα.

There was tension in the discussion as they were strongly disagreeing.

Here, "ένταση" refers to the intensity or loudness of the sound.

Η ένταση του ήχου ήταν υψηλή, με αποτέλεσμα να καλύπτει τη φωνή μου.

The volume of the sound was high, causing it to override my voice.

In this context, "ένταση" indicates physical tightness or strain in a muscle.

Ένιωσα μια ένταση στον μυ μου μετά την άσκηση.

I felt a tension in my muscle after the exercise.