
This is the 6th most frequent Greek word.

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The Greek word "η" is the feminine singular definite article, meaning "the." It can also represent the lowercase letter "eta" in the Greek alphabet.

Here, 'η ώρα' refers to 'the hour' and is used specifically when telling time in Greek.

Ας συναντηθούμε στις η ώρα.

Let's meet at seven o'clock.

In this sentence, 'η' is used as the definite article for a feminine singular noun.

Η γάτα κοιμάται στον καναπέ.

The cat is sleeping on the sofa.

In this instance, 'η' serves as the definite article for the feminine abstract noun representing 'love.'

Η αγάπη είναι σημαντική στη ζωή.

Love is important in life.