
This is the 347th most frequent Greek word.

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"Άνω" means "up" or "above" in English.

Here, "άνω" is used to signify 'more than' or 'above' a specific threshold.

Η θερμοκρασία ανεβαίνει άνω των 30 βαθμών σήμερα.

The temperature rises above 30 degrees today.

In this case, "άνω" denotes 'above' in terms of location or elevation.

Η πόλη βρίσκεται άνω του λόφου.

The city is located above the hill.

Here, "άνω" is used to specify 'over' or 'more than' in quantity.

Άνω του ενός εκατομμυρίου ανθρώπων παρακολούθησαν την εκδήλωση.

More than one million people attended the event.