This is the 651st most frequent Greek word.
"Αναφέρουν" means "they report" or "they mention."
In this instance, 'αναφέρουν' means 'mention' or 'bring up', used to describe individuals expressing or stating their needs or observations.
Οι μαθητές αναφέρουν ότι χρειάζονται περισσότερη υποστήριξη στα μαθήματά τους.
The students mention that they need more support in their studies.
Here, the word 'αναφέρετε' (the formal second-person singular imperative form of 'αναφέρω') is used to ask someone to state or provide specific information.
Μπορείτε να αναφέρετε τη λίστα των απαραίτητων υλικών για το έργο;
Can you list the necessary materials for the project?
Here, 'αναφέρουν' is used to mean 'report' or 'state' information, typically referring to activities undertaken by communication mediums or individuals in a reporting context.