
This is the 55th most frequent Greek word.

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The Greek word "ευρώ" means "euro," the official currency of the Eurozone.

Here, 'ευρώ' is used as the unit of currency in plural form.

Η τιμή του βιβλίου είναι δέκα ευρώ.

The price of the book is ten euros.

In this sentence, 'ευρώ' describes an amount of money being owed, again in plural form.

Σου χρωστάω πέντε ευρώ.

I owe you five euros.

This sentence illustrates 'ευρώ' being used in its singular form to represent one unit of currency.

Ανταλλάξαμε ένα ευρώ για δύο δολάρια.

We exchanged one euro for two dollars.