This is the 756th most frequent Greek word.
The word "κασσελάκη" does not have a direct definition in standard Greek; it may be a proper noun, surname, or a colloquial term.
In this sentence, 'Κασσελάκη' is used as part of a proper noun referring to a specific person.
Η φιλοσοφία του κ. Κασσελάκη είναι ενδιαφέρουσα.
Mr. Kasselekis' philosophy is interesting.
Here, 'κασσελάκη' denotes a diminutive form of 'κασέλα,' referring to a small chest or box.
Στο μουσείο είδαμε μια αρχαία κασσελάκη.
At the museum, we saw an ancient small chest.
In this example, 'κασσελάκη' is used metalinguistically to reference itself as a word being analyzed.