
This is the 873rd most frequent Greek word.

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The Greek word "πράγμα" means "thing," "matter," or "affair."

Here, 'πράγμα' refers to an object or a creation, emphasizing its nature as a tangible item. It shows the concrete usage of the word.

Κατασκευάσαμε ένα πράγμα από ανακυκλωμένα υλικά.

We built a thing from recycled materials.

In this instance, 'πράγμα' is used to denote an object that might be unfamiliar or ambiguous, showing its application in questioning or identifying unknown items.

Δεν καταλαβαίνω, τι πράγμα είναι αυτό;

I don't understand, what thing is this?

In this sentence, 'πράγμα' translates to 'thing,' referring to a specific concept or item of importance. It is used here as a noun representing an abstract matter.

Αυτό είναι το πιο σημαντικό πράγμα που πρέπει να γνωρίζεις.

This is the most important thing you should know.