
This is the 246th most frequent Greek word.

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Prime Minister

Here, 'πρωθυπουργός' is used as the subject of the sentence, referring to the head of the government.

Ο πρωθυπουργός προέβη σε έναν σημαντικό λόγο.

The prime minister delivered an important speech.

Here, 'πρωθυπουργός' is used in the accusative case, showing that it is the direct object of the action, someone who might be met.

Εάν συναντήσω τον πρωθυπουργό, θα του απευθύνω τα συγχαρητήριά μου.

If I meet the prime minister, I will convey my congratulations to him.

Here, 'πρωθυπουργός' is used in the genitive case to indicate possession, showing that the advice came from the former prime minister.

Η συμβουλή του πρώην πρωθυπουργού ήταν πολύτιμη.

The advice of the former prime minister was valuable.