
This is the 339th most frequent Greek word.

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The Greek word "στόχος" means "goal" or "target."

Here, 'στόχος' is used to signify a goal or objective, as something one aims to achieve in their endeavors.

Ο κύριος στόχος μου είναι να επιτύχω όσους περισσότερους στόχους μπορώ φέτος.

My main goal is to achieve as many targets as I can this year.

In this instance, 'στόχος' is utilized to reflect specific outcome or targets met during a project or effort.

Αυτός ο πίνακας δείχνει τους στόχους που πετύχαμε στην τελευταία εκστρατεία.

This chart shows the targets we accomplished in the last campaign.

Here, 'στόχος' represents the aspirations or objectives one strives towards to remain motivated in their path.

Πρέπει να κρατήσουμε τους στόχους πάντα μπροστά μας για να μείνουμε συγκεντρωμένοι.

We must always keep our aims ahead of us to stay focused.