
This is the 383rd most frequent Greek word.

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"Commented" or "comment."

The word 'σχολίασε' is used as a verb in past tense, third person singular, meaning 'commented', describing an action performed by George.

Ο Γιώργος σχολίασε την παρουσίαση του συναδέλφου του.

George commented on his colleague's presentation.

Here, 'σχολιάσει' appears in the subjunctive mood, third person singular, indicating a request for the action 'to comment' to be performed by the teacher.

Η Μαρία ζήτησε από την δασκάλα να σχολιάσει την εργασία της.

Maria asked the teacher to comment on her assignment.

In this sentence, 'σχολίασε' is once again in the past tense, third person singular, and it describes an action taken by the teacher as evaluated by the students.

Οι μαθητές συμφώνησαν ότι η δασκάλα σχολίασε πολύ καλά το θέμα.

The students agreed that the teacher commented very well on the topic.