
This is the 8th most frequent Greek word.

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The Greek word "τον" is the masculine singular accusative definite article, meaning "the."

In this sentence, "τον" is the accusative masculine singular form of the definite article, used to specify the direct object ("the friend") of the verb "βλέπω".

Βλέπω τον φίλο μου στον δρόμο.

I see my friend on the street.

Here, "τον" is part of "στον," which is a contraction of "σε" (to) + "τον" (the). It indicates direction or recipient in the dative case.

Δίνω το βιβλίο στον δάσκαλο.

I give the book to the teacher.

In this example, "τον" is used to articulate the accusative masculine singular form of "the hero" as the object of the preposition "για" (about).

Υπάρχει μια ιστορία για τον ήρωα.

There is a story about the hero.