
This is the 25th most frequent Greek word.

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The Greek word "όπως" means "as," "so that," "how," or "in order that," depending on context.

Here, 'όπως' introduces a simile, comparing the feeling experienced to that of an artist, meaning 'like'.

Όταν ζωγραφίζω, αισθάνομαι όπως ένας καλλιτέχνης.

When I paint, I feel like an artist.

The word 'όπως' introduces a clause that explains how the statement is referenced, akin to 'as' or 'like'.

Όπως είπε ο καθηγητής, το μάθημα αρχίζει στις 9.

As the professor said, the lesson starts at 9.

The word 'όπως' is used to compare the manner of cooking with the way grandmother taught, translating to 'just like' or 'in the way that'.

Μαγειρεύω όπως μου έμαθε η γιαγιά μου.

I cook just like my grandmother taught me.