
This is the 571st most frequent Hebrew word.

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'אירוע' here refers to a regular gathering or meeting, emphasizing its occurrence as a structured event.

בכל יום שבת אנו עורכים אירוע משפחתי בבית סבא וסבתא.

Every Saturday, we hold a family gathering at our grandparents' house.

'אירוע' here denotes a specific occasion, in this case, a significant event awaited by people.

האירוע שחיכינו לו כל השנה התקיים אתמול בערב.

The event we awaited all year took place yesterday evening.

'אירוע' here is used to describe occurrences or phenomena, in this case, weather-related incidents.

אירועי מזג האוויר קשים משפיעים על האזור כולו.

Severe weather events impact the entire region.