
This is the 18th most frequent Hebrew word.

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"אך" means "only" or "however," depending on context.

The word 'אך' here is used as a conjunction meaning 'but,' introducing a contrasting idea.

הוא רצה לשחק בחוץ, אך החל לרדת גשם.

He wanted to play outside, but it started to rain.

In this sentence, 'אך' introduces a nuance that adds a slight contradiction or limitation to the previous statement.

הספר היה מעניין, אך מעט ארוך מדי.

The book was interesting, albeit a bit too long.

Here 'אך' is used to indicate a contrast between the speaker's acknowledgment and their intellectual or emotional position.

אני שומע את דבריך, אך מתקשה להסכים איתך.

I hear your words, but I find it difficult to agree with you.