
This is the 167th most frequent Hebrew word.

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The Hebrew word "בארה" (Be'erah) can mean "her well," referring to a well or spring of water belonging to her. It can also be a proper noun, depending on the context.

Here, 'הבארה' (clarification/explanation) is used to denote the act of clarifying or explaining something.

הבארה של המורה הייתה ברורה והתלמידים הבינו את הנושא.

The teacher's explanation was clear, and the students understood the topic.

In this case, 'בארה' (elaboration) refers to the process of describing or expanding upon an idea, giving it additional depth.

בארה המילים הפכו לשיר מלא במוזיקה.

Through elaboration, the words turned into a song full of music.

'בארה' (account/narration) here indicates a detailed description or storytelling about the subject matter.

הספר מתאר בארה של כפר קטן והִתפתחותו לאורך השנים.

The book describes an account of a small village and its development over the years.