
This is the 891st most frequent Hebrew word.

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Here, "הסביר" is used as a verb in the past tense, referring to the teacher clearly communicating information.

המורה הסביר את החומר בכיתה.

The teacher explained the material in class.

In this sentence, "הסביר" denotes providing instructions or directions in response to a need for understanding.

הוא הסביר לי איך להגיע לתחנה.

He explained to me how to reach the station.

Here, "יסביר" (the future tense form of "הסביר") indicates understanding something better by reformulating in simpler terms.

המשפט היה כל כך מורכב, אז ביקשנו שהוא יסביר אותו שוב.

The sentence was so complex, so we asked him to explain it again.