
This is the 892nd most frequent Hebrew word.

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The municipality.

In this sentence, 'העירייה' is the subject of the sentence and refers to the municipality body taking action.

העירייה תפתח פרויקט חדש בשכונה.

The municipality will start a new project in the neighborhood.

Here, 'העירייה' is the entity from which authorization is required, indicative of its administrative role.

הייתי צריך לקבל אישור מהעירייה לתקין דלת חדשה.

I needed to get approval from the municipality to install a new door.

In this example, 'העירייה' represents the institution involved in community decision-making.

בעקבות הפגישה עם העירייה הוחלט לשפץ את הכיכר המרכזית.

Following the meeting with the municipality, it was decided to renovate the main square.