
This is the 684th most frequent Hebrew word.

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Investigation or inquiry.

Here, "חקירה" is used to denote an official investigation or inquiry, typically by authorities like the police or an institutional body.

המשטרה פתחה בחקירה כדי לגלות מה קרה בזירה.

The police started an investigation to find out what happened at the scene.

In this sentence, "חקירה" refers to an academic or scientific inquiry aimed at exploring and understanding a subject in depth.

חקירת המדען בנושא אנרגיות מתחדשות מספקת תובנות חדשניות.

The scientist's research on renewable energies provides innovative insights.

Here, "חקירה" is used in a more introspective sense, denoting personal exploration or deep contemplation of a philosophical or personal issue.

החקירה האישית שלי בשאלת המשמעות האישית סיפקה לי תובנות רבות.

My personal investigation into the question of personal meaning provided me with a wealth of insights.