
This is the 518th most frequent Hebrew word.

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The Hebrew word "יגיע" means "will arrive" or "will reach."

Here, 'יגיע' is the future tense of the verb 'להגיע' (to arrive) for the third person singular masculine.

אני מקווה שהוא יגיע בזמן.

I hope he will arrive on time.

Here, 'יגיע' denotes a future occurrence, indicating that peace is awaited and will happen.

בסופו של יום, השקט יגיע.

At the end of the day, peace will come.

In this sentence, 'תגיע' is the future tense form of reaching or achieving, derived from 'להגיע' when used metaphorically to indicate achieving goals.

כשאתה מתאמץ, תגיע להישגים מרשימים.

When you make an effort, you will achieve impressive accomplishments.