
This is the 837th most frequent Hebrew word.

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Opposite, across, or facing.

'מנגד' is used here to indicate a contrast or an opposing view to the preceding statement.

ההצעות שלי התקבלו בהתלהבות, אבל מנגד, היו גם כמה מתנגדים.

My suggestions were enthusiastically accepted, but on the other hand, there were also some opponents.

'מנגד' is used here to describe an opposing or contrasting physical position.

ההר חסם את דרכנו מצד אחד, ומנגד השמש שקעה מעל האופק.

The mountain blocked our way on one side, and on the other hand, the sun was setting beyond the horizon.

'מנגד' is employed to show a contrasting or adverse outcome regarding the positive aspect just mentioned.

השחקן הבקיע גול מצוין, אך מנגד, הוא ביצע כמה טעויות במגרש.

The player scored an excellent goal, but on the other hand, he made several mistakes on the field.