
This is the 165th most frequent Hebrew word.

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Points, dots, or vowels (context-dependent).

Here, 'נקודות' refers to 'points' as a scoring unit in sports or games.

במשחק, הקבוצה שלי צברה 10 נקודות.

In the game, my team scored 10 points.

In this context, 'נקודות' means 'points' as specific locations or marks on a map.

מצאתי מספר נקודות במפה שבהן כדאי לטייל.

I found several points on the map that are worth visiting.

Here, 'נקודות' refers to 'points' as topics or specific issues within an argument or discussion.

בהסקת המסקנה, היו צורך להבהיר מספר נקודות בויכוח.

In drawing the conclusion, it was necessary to clarify several points in the argument.