
This is the 764th most frequent Hebrew word.

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Order; arrangement.

In this sentence, 'סדר' means 'order' or 'organization' as part of the phrase 'לעשות סדר' which means 'to organize' or 'to bring order' to something.

אני צריך לעשות סדר בשולחן שלי.

I need to organize my desk.

Here, 'סדר' refers to 'order' or 'tidiness' as a consistent principle or habit to keep things orderly.

הוא תמיד מקפיד על סדר בעבודה שלו.

He always insists on order in his work.

In this sentence, 'סדר' translates to 'agreement' or 'arrangement,' indicating a structured understanding or settlement between parties.

הסדר עליו חתמנו מסדיר את כל הפרטים בין הצדדים.

The agreement we signed regulates all the details between the parties.