
This is the 768th most frequent Hebrew word.

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The Hebrew word "פרס" can mean "prize," "award," or "Persian vulture" depending on context.

Here, 'פרס' means 'award' or 'prize', given as recognition of an achievement.

הוא קיבל פרס על עבודתו המצטיינת.

He received an award for his outstanding work.

Here, the term 'פרס' might indicate an offering or something given in a ceremonial or cultural context.

בתרבות היוונית פרס היה קשור לפעמים לטקסים דתיים.

In Greek culture, 'פרס' was sometimes associated with religious ceremonies.

In this sentence, 'פרס' refers to 'spoils' or 'rewards', what is gained as a result of conquest or effort.

הקרב היה צמוד במיוחד, וכל צד חשב שיוכל לקחת יותר פרס במלחמה.

The battle was especially close, and each side thought it could gain more spoils in the war.