
This is the 658th most frequent Hebrew word.

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The Hebrew word "שזו" means "that this" or "that is" depending on the context.

The word 'שזו' is used here to connect and specify a relationship between the antecedent (the book) and the action (read last week), indicating that the book mentioned is the one that was read.

אני מחפש את הספר זו קראתי שבוע שעבר.

I am looking for the book that I read last week.

Here, 'שזו' links the noun (picture) to a characteristic or ability (knows how to tell a story), demonstrating an attributive function.

מצאתי תמונה זו יודעת לספר סיפור מרגש.

I found a picture that knows how to tell an emotional story.

In this example, 'שזו' is used to associate the command (order) with its necessity or requirement (must be executed immediately), illustrating a directive correlation.

המלך נתן פקודה זו יש לבצע מיד.

The king gave an order that must be executed immediately.