
This is the 348th most frequent Hebrew word.

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"Shinui" (שינוי) means "change" or "transformation."

In this sentence, "שינוי" (change) is used to denote an alteration or transformation in someone's attitude or manner.

אני רואה שינוי בגישתו של המנהל.

I see a change in the manager's approach.

Here, "שינוי" refers to a modification of personal routines or habits.

שינוי בהרגלים יכול להוביל להצלחות.

Change in habits can lead to success.

In this instance, "שינוי" is discussed as a general concept of change or adaptation.

לפעמים שינוי הוא דבר מבורך.

Sometimes, change is a welcome thing.