
This is the 775th most frequent Hebrew word.

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The Hebrew word "שעוד" does not have a clear meaning in standard Hebrew and may be a typo or uncommon term.

שעוד is used here to mean 'still' or 'yet', indicating something continuing or remaining.

שעוד יש לך שאלות, בבקשה אל תהסס לשאול.

If you still have questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

שעוד here reflects 'even when' or 'already then', connecting the clause to a memory or past context.

אני זוכר שעוד כשהיינו ילדים הלכת להופעות האלו.

I remember that even when we were kids, you used to go to those shows.

שעוד is used to express 'that still', referencing a remaining or pending action to be completed.

אתה יכול לסיים את המטלה שעוד נשארה לך מחר.

You can finish the assignment that you still have left tomorrow.