
This is the 131st most frequent Hindi word.

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The Hindi word "उसम" does not have a clear meaning; it might be a misspelling or incorrect usage.

'उसमें' here implies 'in it', showing an interest or attention towards something.

उनमें से किसी से भी पूछो, सभी 'उसमें' दिलचस्पी रखते हैं।

Ask any of them; everyone is interested in 'it'.

'उसमें' here denotes 'in it', indicating placing objects within a container.

उसमें लाल किताबें और नीली पेंसिलें भर दीजिए।

Please fill it with red books and blue pencils.

'उसमें' here refers to 'in him', representing a possessive inclusion.

उसमें एक अनोखा गुण है जो उसे सबसे अलग बनाता है।

He has a unique quality that sets him apart.