
This is the 600th most frequent Hindi word.

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"एड" in Hindi is the colloquial form of the English word "ad," meaning "advertisement."

Here, 'एड' means advertisement and is used as a noun.

मैंने उस फिल्म का एड देखा।

I saw the ad for that movie.

In this sentence, 'एड' means 'to add' and is used as a verb.

इस प्रोजेक्ट में यह फीचर एड करें।

Add this feature to this project.

Here, 'एड' is an abbreviation for 'advertisement' and is used within a professional context.

एड एजेंसी ने बहुत अच्छा विज्ञापन बनाया।

The ad agency created a very good advertisement.