
This is the 316th most frequent Hindi word.

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The Hindi word "घटन" means "occurrence" or "event" in English.

Refers to specific occurrences or events.

क्षणिक घटनाओं का हमारे जीवन पर प्रभाव पड़ता है।

Momentary incidents impact our lives.

Indicates a phenomenon or happening.

यह प्रकृति के नियमों का घटन है कि सूर्य पूर्व से उगता है।

It is a phenomenon of nature's laws that the sun rises in the east.

Describes observable phenomena or events in scientific contexts.

विज्ञान प्रयोगों में अजीब घटन देखा गया।

Strange phenomena were observed during scientific experiments.