
This is the 439th most frequent Hindi word.

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The Hindi word "तटस" does not appear to have a direct meaning. It may be a typo or incomplete. Please provide context or clarify.

Here, 'तटस' (tatas) refers to someone remaining neutral, uninvolved in conflicts.

तटस व्यक्ति ने किसी भी विवाद में हिस्सा नहीं लिया।

The neutral person did not participate in any dispute.

In this sentence, 'तटस' relates to the coastal or shore region.

समुद्र के तटस पर खड़ा होकर उसने लहरों को देखा।

Standing on the shore of the sea, he watched the waves.

Here, 'तटस' signifies adopting a neutral or non-partisan stance.

उसने राजनीतिज्ञों की बातों में तटस रवैया चुना।

He chose a neutral stance in the discussions of politicians.