
This is the 903rd most frequent Hindi word.

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The word "पश" is incomplete or not standard in Hindi; it may be a typo or fragment. If you meant "पशु," it means "animal" or "beast."

In this context, 'पशु' refers to an animal, used as a noun.

यह एक सुंदर पशु है।

This is a beautiful animal.

Here, 'पश' (short for 'पश्च') depicts proximity or surroundings.

तुम्हारे पश खेतों की हरियाली अच्छी लगती है।

Your surrounding greenery of the fields looks nice.

In this motivational sentence, 'पश' symbolizes to cast off or leave behind obstacles.

पश बाधा से तुर्ण ।

Free yourself from obstacles quickly.