
This is the 147th most frequent Hindi word.

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It seems like there might be a typo or misunderstanding, as "वनड" is not a commonly recognized Hindi word. Could you check and provide the correct spelling or context?

Here, "वनड" is used to express amazement or fascination towards something.

वनड मैं इस नई पुस्तक को पढ़ने के लिए बहुत उत्साहित हूं।

I am very excited to read this new book.

In this case, "वनड" indicates an admiration for the remarkable or exceptional blending of colors.

उसने अपने चित्र में रंगों का वनड मिलाकर नई सुंदरता दिखाई।

He showed a new beauty by blending colors wonderfully in his picture.

Here, "वनड" serves as a noun to indicate a place of astonishing or wonderful characteristics.

यह शहर का प्रमुख वनड स्थल है।

This is the city's main wonder spot.