
This is the 209th most frequent Hindi word.

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The Hindi word "सऊद" means "deal" or "bargain" in English.

सऊद is used as a title or designation related to cultural or historical significance herein.

स्पेन का सऊद एक प्रमुख ऐतिहासिक स्थल है।

The 'Saud' of Spain is a major historical site.

सऊद refers to a trade or deal in this sentence, used in the context of a commercial transaction.

उस व्यापारी ने सीधा सऊद किया और अपना फायदा देखा।

The merchant made a direct deal and saw his benefit.

सऊद is used metaphorically here, signifying the reverence or esteem attributed to a distinguished figure.

सऊदी अरब के राजा की सऊद को लोग आदर देते हैं।

People respect the 'Saud' of the King of Saudi Arabia.