
This is the 327th most frequent Hindi word.

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The Hindi word "सहय" does not have a direct meaning, but it might be a misspelling or incomplete word. Possible related words include "सहाय" (sahay), meaning "help" or "assistance."

Here, 'सहाय' (Sahay) is used as a proper noun, a name of an individual.

सहाय हमारे गांव का सबसे सहानुभूति से भरा व्यक्ति है।

Sahay is the most empathetic person in our village.

The word 'सहाय' is used here as a noun, meaning 'help' or 'assistance'.

जब हमें मार्गदर्शन की आवश्यकता थी, तो उसने हमारा सहाय किया।

When we needed guidance, he assisted us.

In this sentence, 'सहायक' (helper) is derived from 'सहाय', showcasing its use as an adjective indicating usefulness or aiding purpose.

यह योजना हमारे उद्देश्यों को प्राप्त करने में सहायक होगी।

This plan will be helpful in achieving our objectives.