
This is the 956th most frequent Hindi word.

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The Hindi word "हलव" appears to be a misspelling or incomplete. If you mean "हलवा" (halwa), it refers to a sweet dessert made of flour, sugar, and ghee.

In this sentence, 'हलव' is used as a subject of semantic analysis, referring to a concept or term under explanation.

मैंने हलव का अर्थ समझाने की कोशिश की।

I tried to explain the meaning of 'हलव'.

Here, 'हलव' serves as a lexeme referenced for phonetic examination.

हलव शब्द का सही उच्चारण जानने का प्रयास करें।

Try to learn the correct pronunciation of the word 'हलव'.

In this context, 'हलव' is highlighted as a linguistic feature to investigate its cross-linguistic presence.

क्या हलव का उपयोग अन्य भाषाओं में भी होता है?

Does the use of 'हलव' appear in other languages as well?