
This is the 536th most frequent Hindi word.

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The Hindi word "ac" typically refers to "AC," an abbreviation for "air conditioner."

Here, 'एसी' (AC) is used to refer to an air conditioner, a cooling device.

गर्मी की वजह से हमने नया एसी खरीदा।

Due to the heat, we bought a new AC.

In this context, 'समय पर' (on time) demonstrates punctuality, but the term 'AC' itself is not present; still relevant to discuss examples of its potential metaphoric or literal meanings.

हम सुबह कंपनी में समय पर पहुँच जाते हैं।

We reach the office on time in the morning.

In this sentence, 'प्रयोग' (usage) refers to the correct application or context of a language element, showing the word 'usage' conceptually.

कक्षा में शिक्षक ने पूछा, 'इस वाक्य को सही प्रयोग के साथ लिखो।'

In the classroom, the teacher asked, 'Write this sentence with the correct usage.'