
This is the 997th most frequent Hindi word.

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The Hindi word "Aurora" refers to the natural light display in the sky, typically seen in high-latitude regions.

Here, 'aurora' refers to the natural light display seen in the polar skies, commonly known as aurora borealis or northern lights.

आसमान में एक अद्भुत औरोरा दिखाई दे रहा है।

A stunning aurora is visible in the sky.

In this context, 'aurora' is used to describe a natural phenomenon observed in polar regions.

औरोरा प्रदर्शन से सभी लोग प्रभावित हो रहे हैं।

Everyone is getting impressed by the aurora display.

Here, 'aurora' is used as a name or title, showcasing its adaptability as a proper noun.

शहर का औरोरा नामक सिनेमा प्राचीन शैली में बनाया गया है।

The Aurora-named cinema of the city is built in an ancient style.